The Scientific Professional Journal of Multidisciplinary Science (SPJMSP) is a peer-reviewed journal available for public access. It serves as a platform for researchers, academics, authors, and professionals to exchange advanced research and innovative knowledge in multidisciplinary science. Emphasizing excellence and innovation, it stands out as a prominent journal that fosters interdisciplinary collaboration and advances the frontiers of scientific knowledge.

Frequency: Monthly | LanguageEnglish | Starting Year: 2024 | Nature: Online | PublisherSPJ Publication


Health and Medicine | Interdisciplinary Research | Fundamental Science | Applied Technologies | Environmental Studies | Social Sciences and Humanities | Technological Innovations | Education and Outreach 


The Scientific Professional Journal of Multidisciplinary Science (SPJMSP), published monthly, offers current medical information and prioritizes accessibility and global visibility through thorough indexing on platforms like Cross-Ref and Google Scholar. Each article receives a DOI Prefix: 10.62502, simplifying referencing and citation for readers


Interdisciplinary Research: We welcome contributions that bridge traditional disciplinary boundaries, promoting synergistic interactions and novel insights at the intersection of different fields.

Fundamental Science: Our journal covers fundamental research across disciplines such as physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and earth sciences, aiming to deepen our understanding of natural phenomena and fundamental principles.

Applied Technologies: We also focus on applied sciences and technologies, including engineering, computer science, material science, and biotechnology, showcasing innovations that have practical applications and societal impacts.

Health and Medicine: Contributions related to health sciences, medicine, and biomedical research are encouraged, encompassing areas such as diagnostics, therapeutics, healthcare technologies, and public health initiatives.

Environmental Studies: We address environmental challenges and sustainability issues, exploring topics such as climate change, renewable energy, conservation, ecology, and environmental policy.

Social Sciences and Humanities: Our scope extends to social sciences, humanities, and interdisciplinary studies, examining human behaviour, cultural dynamics, societal trends, ethics, and policy implications.

Technological Innovations: We highlight emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology, Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, and other cutting-edge innovations shaping the future.

Education and Outreach: We promote education and outreach initiatives, sharing educational resources, and best practices, and fostering discussions on science communication, STEM education, and public engagement with science.


Facilitate interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration among researchers, scholars, and practitioners from diverse backgrounds. Encourage innovative approaches, methodologies, and problem-solving strategies that address complex scientific challenges.  Promote inclusivity, diversity, and equity in scientific discourse and research endeavours. Disseminate high-quality, peer-reviewed research that contributes to scientific knowledge, technological advancements, and societal well-being. Foster a culture of scientific integrity, ethical conduct, and responsible innovation in all aspects of research and publication.


Our multidisciplinary journal welcomes a wide range of manuscript types that encompass diverse research areas and scientific contributions. The types of manuscripts allowed in our journal include but are not limited to:

Original Research Articles: These are comprehensive reports presenting original research findings. They typically include sections such as abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusions, and references.

Review Articles: Review articles provide an in-depth analysis and synthesis of existing research literature on a specific topic or research area. They offer valuable insights, summarize key findings, and may propose new perspectives or future directions for research.

Short Communications: Short communications are concise and focused reports that highlight significant research findings, preliminary results, case studies, or innovative methodologies. They provide a brief yet impactful contribution to the scientific literature.

Case Studies: Case studies present detailed analyses of specific cases, scenarios, or phenomena within a particular field. They often include descriptions of methods, results, discussions, and implications for practice or further research.

Perspective and Opinion Pieces: These manuscripts offer perspectives, viewpoints, or opinions on current issues, trends, controversies, or emerging topics in science, technology, or society. They stimulate critical thinking and provoke discussions within the scientific community.

Technical Notes or Innovations: Technical notes or innovations describe novel techniques, methodologies, tools, instruments, or software developments that contribute to advancements in research, experimentation, or data analysis.

Educational Resources: Manuscripts focusing on educational resources, best practices, teaching methodologies, curriculum development, or innovative approaches to science education are also welcome. These may include case studies, lesson plans, interactive tools, or online resources.

Letters to the Editor: Letters to the editor provide a platform for readers to express opinions, comments, criticisms, or responses to previously published articles. They contribute to ongoing discussions and debates within the scientific community.

Book Reviews: Reviews of books, monographs, or other scholarly publications related to multidisciplinary topics are accepted. These reviews critically evaluate the content, relevance, and contributions of the reviewed work.

Conference Proceedings: Selected conference proceedings or extended abstracts from conferences, symposia, or workshops may be considered for publication, subject to peer review and relevance to the journal's scope.

Data Papers: Manuscripts focused on describing datasets, data collections, data management strategies, or data sharing practices relevant to multidisciplinary research are encouraged. These papers promote transparency, reproducibility, and open science principles.

Supplementary Materials: Supplementary materials such as datasets, videos, images, code snippets, or interactive content that enhance the understanding or reproducibility of published research are accepted as supplementary files accompanying relevant manuscripts.


We invite researchers, scientists, academicians, and innovators to join us in this exciting journey of exploration and discovery. Whether you are delving into fundamental principles, developing groundbreaking technologies, or addressing pressing societal challenges, our multidisciplinary science journal offers a platform to showcase your work and contribute to the advancement of knowledge for the benefit of humanity.


For those interested in contributing to our journal, please refer to our submission guidelines on our website. We encourage diverse perspectives and innovative approaches across all scientific disciplines. Together, let us chart new territories, unravel mysteries, and shape the future of science through collaborative endeavours.


The diverse audience of the Scientific Professional Journal of Multidisciplinary Science (SPJMSP) includes researchers, scholars, clinicians, academicians, and all professionals of a science background. By catering to such a broad spectrum of stakeholders within the science and technology ecosystem, the diverse audience of the Scientific Professional Journal of Multidisciplinary Science (SPJMSP) fosters a dynamic exchange of knowledge and ideas, facilitating collaboration and innovation across disciplinary boundaries.


Authors are required to pay a processing fee after the acceptance of the article. Fee details for authors with affiliation details from India and overseas are specified. Extra fees may be charged based on additional editing work, complexity of tables/figures, and more pages. The final publication fee will be communicated to the corresponding author post-acceptance.  

NOTE: The above guidelines ensure a standardized format for manuscript submission, fostering transparency and efficient processing. 

The Scientific Professional Journal of Multidisciplinary Science (SPJMSP) embraces a fully open-access model, ensuring unrestricted utilization and reuse of all published articles while duly acknowledging the authors. To sustain this model, authors are required to cover a one-time Article Processing Charge (APC), encompassing expenses related to peer review administration, article production in PDF and other formats, dissemination of papers across various platforms, and other publishing functions. No fees are imposed for rejected submissions, and there are no additional charges based on article length, figures, or supplementary data. Article Processing Charge (APC) is applicable upon acceptance for publication, ensuring the sustainability of this open-access approach.

  • Foreign Authors: 32 USD (30 USD for APC and 2 USD for transaction charges).
  • Indian Authors: INR 1770/- (INR 1500 for APC and INR 270 for GST @18%).

Once an article is assigned a volume, issue number, and DOI, changes will be implemented only after payment of applicable charges, equivalent to 50% of the article processing fees. Authors have the option to pay via Direct Deposit or online methods like net banking, NEFT, or IMPS.

Notably, payments by cheque or demand draft are not accepted.


SPJP ensures enduring digital preservation through its key alliances with Portico and CLOCKSS.

Portico stands out as a global leader in digital preservation services. It safeguards content as an archival version, though not publicly accessible on Portico. Access is granted under specific conditions, such as collection discontinuation or website catastrophic failure.

CLOCKSS empowers libraries to effortlessly uphold their content archive from SPJP and other publishers. This is achieved with minimal technical complexity, utilizing readily available and cost-effective hardware.