The SPJP Proceedings journal focuses on disseminating scholarly articles and reports that emerge from various conferences, workshops etc. This publication avenue ensures that the valuable insights, research findings, and discussions shared during these conferences reach a wider audience of researchers, practitioners, educators, and policymakers across diverse fields.

One of the key distinguishing features of Proceedings is its rigorous selection and approval process. Each item published in the journal undergoes scrutiny and endorsement by the respective conference committee, ensuring that only high-quality and relevant content makes its way into the publication. Moreover, original research content is subjected to peer review, wherein experts in the field evaluate the validity, novelty, and significance of the work before publication. This quality control mechanism adds credibility to the content presented in Proceedings and upholds academic standards.

Proceedings welcomes conferences from all disciplines, reflecting its inclusive approach to scholarly communication. Whether the conference delves into science, technology, humanities, social sciences, or any other domain, Proceedings provides a platform for showcasing the latest advancements, methodologies, and insights within each field.

Organizing a conference or seeking coverage for its proceedings in Proceedings is a straightforward process. Interested parties are encouraged to reach out to the journal's editorial office for guidance and information on submission procedures. This accessibility fosters a collaborative environment where conferences and journals work hand in hand to amplify the impact of scholarly research.

Ethical considerations are paramount in the publication process, and Proceedings adheres to the highest standards in this regard. Cases of plagiarism, data falsification, improper authorship credit, and other ethical breaches are dealt with swiftly and decisively, following a zero-tolerance policy. To ensure the originality of content, the journal employs iThenticate to conduct thorough checks against previous publications.

Proceedings embraces the principles of open access, with articles published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This means that readers have free access to the published content and can redistribute or adapt it, with proper attribution to the authors. Authors retain copyright over their work, empowering them to share their findings widely while maintaining ownership rights.

Moreover, the journal recognizes the potential for conference papers to evolve into comprehensive journal articles. Authors are encouraged to expand on their conference contributions, incorporating new or previously unpublished material. Proceedings guides authors on how to adapt their conference papers into journal articles, facilitating the seamless transition and ensuring that the resulting articles meet the standards and requirements of the intended journal.

For those interested in obtaining reprints of published articles, Proceedings provides information on how to order reprints through the designated contact channels. This service enables individuals and institutions to access physical copies of articles for dissemination or archival purposes.

Furthermore, Proceedings serves as a platform for academic announcements and advertisements. Academic activities such as conferences can be publicized for free in the News & Announcements section, reaching a wide audience of scholars and practitioners. Additionally, advertisements can be published or displayed on the journal's website upon request, providing visibility to relevant products, services, or events within the scholarly community.