The SCIENTIFIC PROFESSIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PRACTICE (SPJPP) is an open-access, peer-reviewed publication that specifically addresses pharmacy education and practice, Published monthly by SPJ PUBLICATION online. SPJMSP aims to advance knowledge and understanding within pharmacy practice through rigorous review processes and accessible online availability. Its focus on pharmacy education underscores its commitment to enhancing learning and professional development in the field. 

Frequency: Monthly | LanguageEnglish | Starting Year: 2024 | Nature: Online | PublisherSPJ Publication


The SCIENTIFIC PROFESSIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PRACTICE (SPJPP) published monthly, offers current medical information and prioritizes accessibility and global visibility through thorough indexing on platforms like Cross-Ref and Google Scholar. Each article receives a DOI Prefix: 10.62502, simplifying referencing and citation for readers


Pharmacology and Drug Development | Clinical Pharmacy | Pharmacy Practice | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Pharmacy Education | Regulatory and Legal Issues | Healthcare Policy and Economics | Interdisciplinary Topics | Evidence-Based Practice | Global Health and Public Health Initiatives

Pharmacology and Drug Development: Discussions on the mechanisms of drug action, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and drug discovery processes.

Clinical Pharmacy: Focus on patient care, medication therapy management, pharmacotherapy, drug interactions, and adverse drug reactions.

Pharmacy Practice: Articles on pharmacy management, medication dispensing, drug utilization reviews, patient counselling, and pharmaceutical care services.

Pharmaceutical Sciences: Research in pharmaceutical formulations, drug delivery systems, pharmacokinetics, pharmacogenomics, and pharmaceutical analysis.

Pharmacy Education: Pedagogical methods, curriculum development, experiential learning, continuing education for pharmacists, and assessment of pharmacy students' competence.

Regulatory and Legal Issues: Updates on drug regulations, pharmacy laws, compliance standards, and ethical considerations in pharmacy practice.

Healthcare Policy and Economics: Discuss healthcare policies affecting pharmacy practice, reimbursement systems, healthcare economics, and pharmaceutical industry trends.

Interdisciplinary Topics: Collaborative research at the intersection of pharmacy with disciplines like medicine, nursing, public health, biotechnology, and bioinformatics.

Evidence-Based Practice: Emphasis on using scientific evidence to guide clinical decision-making, including systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and clinical trials.

Global Health and Public Health Initiatives: Articles addressing pharmaceutical challenges in different regions, public health campaigns, access to medicines, and pharmaceutical interventions in disease prevention and management.

Target Audience

The target audience of the Scientific Professional Journal of Pharmacy and Practice encompasses a diverse range of stakeholders within the healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors. This includes pharmacists across various practice settings, pharmacy students seeking to expand their knowledge base, pharmaceutical researchers engaged in translational and clinical research, healthcare providers collaborating with pharmacists, pharmacy educators shaping the future generation of pharmacists, and professionals involved in pharmacy management and administration.

The multidisciplinary nature of the audience underscores the journal's ability to bridge gaps between different sectors, fostering collaboration, innovation, and shared learning experiences among professionals with varied expertise and backgrounds.


The content published in the Scientific Professional Journal of Pharmacy and Practice (SPJPP) spans a wide spectrum of scholarly contributions aimed at advancing pharmacy practice. This includes:

Original Research Articles: Rigorous scientific investigations exploring novel concepts, methodologies, and findings relevant to pharmacy practice.

Clinical Studies: In-depth analyses of clinical outcomes, pharmacotherapeutic interventions, patient responses, and real-world implications for healthcare delivery.

Systematic Reviews: Comprehensive reviews synthesizing existing literature, evidence, and best practices to inform clinical decision-making and policy development.

Case Reports: Detailed case studies highlighting unique patient cases, challenges encountered, therapeutic approaches, and lessons learned.

Practice Guidelines: Evidence-based guidelines, protocols, and recommendations aimed at standardizing and optimizing pharmacy practice across different settings.

Commentaries and Editorials: Thought-provoking perspectives, opinions, and discussions on emerging trends, controversies, and future directions in pharmacy practice.

This diverse array of content ensures that the journal caters to a broad range of interests and addresses key issues facing pharmacy practitioners, educators, researchers, and policymakers.


Maintaining the highest standards of quality and credibility is paramount for the Scientific Professional Journal of Pharmacy and Practice. To achieve this, the journal employs a rigorous peer-review process whereby submitted manuscripts undergo thorough evaluation by experts in the field. Peer reviewers meticulously assess the scientific validity, methodology, relevance, clarity, and significance of each submission.

The peer-review process serves as a critical quality assurance mechanism, ensuring that only scientifically sound, ethically conducted, and well-presented manuscripts are accepted for publication. This rigorous scrutiny enhances the overall credibility, reliability, and impact of the journal's content, fostering trust among readers, contributors, and the broader scientific community.


Recognizing the interconnectedness of pharmacy practice with other healthcare disciplines, the Scientific Professional Journal of Pharmacy and Practice adopts an interdisciplinary approach. This approach encourages collaborations and contributions from professionals across various domains such as medicine, nursing, public health, pharmacology, health economics, and healthcare management.

By embracing diverse perspectives and interdisciplinary collaborations, the journal enriches its content, stimulates innovation, and promotes holistic approaches to addressing complex healthcare challenges. This inclusive ethos underscores the journal's commitment to fostering cross-disciplinary dialogue, synergy, and knowledge exchange for the benefit of patient care and healthcare systems worldwide.

Central to the journal's mission is the promotion of evidence-based practice (EBP) in pharmacy. Evidence-based practice involves integrating the best available evidence from scientific research, clinical expertise, and patient values and preferences to inform clinical decision-making and optimize patient outcomes.

The Scientific Professional Journal of Pharmacy and Practice publishes and promotes research studies, guidelines, and practices rooted in evidence-based principles. By highlighting evidence-based approaches, the journal empowers pharmacists and healthcare providers to make informed decisions, implement effective interventions, and deliver high-quality, patient-centered care.

Continuing Education Initiatives

In addition to disseminating scholarly content, the journal actively contributes to the professional development and lifelong learning of pharmacists and healthcare professionals. It offers continuing education initiatives, accredited courses, workshops, and learning resources designed to enhance knowledge, skills, and competencies in pharmacy practice.

These continuing education opportunities enable practitioners to stay abreast of the latest advancements, guidelines, technologies, and best practices in pharmacy. By investing in ongoing learning and skill development, the journal supports a culture of excellence, continuous improvement, and professional growth within the pharmacy profession.

Global Perspective and Collaboration

The Scientific Professional Journal of Pharmacy and Practice embraces a global perspective, acknowledging the diversity of healthcare systems, practices, challenges, and innovations worldwide. It welcomes contributions from researchers, practitioners, and organizations across different countries and regions, fostering a rich tapestry of insights, experiences, and solutions.

Through international collaborations and partnerships, the journal promotes global networking, knowledge exchange, and collaborative research endeavors. This global outlook not only enriches the journal's content but also contributes to the advancement of pharmacy practice on a global scale, ultimately benefiting patients and communities across diverse healthcare contexts.

Digital Platform Integration

In today's digital age, the Scientific Professional Journal of Pharmacy and Practice recognizes the importance of leveraging digital platforms and technologies to enhance accessibility, reach, and engagement. The journal maintains a robust digital platform comprising an online portal, digital archives, electronic databases, and interactive features.

The digital platform allows readers, contributors, and subscribers to access published content anytime, anywhere, facilitating seamless dissemination of knowledge and information. Additionally, digital tools such as multimedia content, interactive graphics, and social media integration enhance reader engagement, interactivity, and knowledge sharing within the pharmacy community.

Adherence to Professional Standards

Adhering to professional standards, ethical guidelines, and publication policies is fundamental to the integrity, credibility, and trustworthiness of the Scientific Professional Journal of Pharmacy and Practice. The journal upholds the highest ethical standards outlined by reputable organizations such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), ensuring transparency, fairness, and responsible conduct in publishing scholarly work.

By maintaining strict adherence to professional standards, the journal safeguards against plagiarism, conflicts of interest, data fabrication, and other unethical practices. This commitment to ethical publishing practices reinforces the journal's reputation as a trusted source of reliable, peer-reviewed, and scientifically rigorous content within the pharmacy and healthcare domains